I'm just wondering, why the current Local Government of the Anduezas, treat us the Montenegros a threat to him. Because if not, then why do I get the feeling of being harassed? Is it just me, or do I share the sentiments of my other fellow Montenegro, of course this doesn't include Menardo, for as we all know, is part of the Andueza family now (so he says). I do not see anything that we are doing right now to make him feel threatened. I'm saying this because, when I was in Claveria a few months ago, while resting at the Traveller's Inn of Fe Montenegro, I saw a guy who keeps on looking at my area and stayed there for almost 3 hours. When we asked someone to identify the guy, they said it was one of Andueza's men, I was just controlling myself, but had it not for my patience, I would have gone up to that guy and emabrassed him in front of the people around.